From 2001 through 2008 a major update to Victory Drive in Mankato was undertaken. The project had a personal impact since the home in which I grew up now sits along North Victory Drive between Thompson Ravine Road and Highway 14.
These photos chronicle the final phase of the over $25 million project. In the future, I’ll work backwards to describe the first two phases which included the removal of the housing subdivision known as Ivy Lane, completed in 2001, and the building of the Victory Drive bridge, completed in 2004.
The final phase completed an extension of Victory Drive from the intersection with Madison Avenue at the entrance to the Madison East Mall joining it with County Road 3, via the bridge, completed in 2004, over Thompson Ravine. Several options were presented for the precise routing of Victory Drive involving varying degrees of modification to the Madison East Mall property. Here are the changes that were decided upon:
The northwestern corners of both the Belle Mar Mall structure and parking lot had to be “trimmed” at an angle in order to accommodate Victory Drive.
The former Mankato Clinic, which in later years was occupied by Rasmussen College, had to be razed as the new roadway would almost completely cover the area occupied by the building. A lone, mature, Cottonwood remains as the only reminder of the original occupants.
It was necessary to trim the southeast corner of the Madison East parking lot at an angle.
Some new commercial spaces were created by the project. The land that is now home to Hardee’s was occupied by the old roadway, as was the land now covered by a strip mall housing Marco’s Pizza, Family Video, and an Edward Jones office.