GreenSeam Announces Keynote for 37th Annual Rural Forum

    September 19th, 2019

    MANKATO, Minn. The Rural Forum is set for December 5, 2019. This year’s forum entitled “Navigating Perspectives” will be held from 4 – 9 pm at the Mankato Civic Center Ballroom at 1 Civic Center Plaza.

    The premier annual reception and dinner event joins key public leaders with a wide range of attendees – farmers, professionals from ag and business, college students, ag organizations and more – when it comes to rural Minnesota nearly everyone is connected to agriculture in some way. This Forum provides an opportunity to have important conversations about the key issues facing the rural economy and potential solutions.

    Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has been invited to speak, and hear from the Minnesota FFA, key Minnesota Legislators and our keynote speaker, Rick Berman:

    Richard “Rick” Berman, President, Berman and Company, a Washington, DC-based public affairs firm specializing in research, communications, and creative advertising.

    In 1987, Rick Berman founded Berman and Company, a full-service research and communications firm. Prior to that Rick was employed as an attorney for Bethlehem Steel, The Dana Corporation, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as well as Executive Vice President for Pillsbury.

    Berman and Company consistently excels in getting its clients’ and donor messages placed before the public through aggressive media outreach. Berman and Company spokespeople regularly appear on television and radio programs and place over 350 Opinion Editorials in major newspapers every year. Rick and his firm have been extensively profiled for their work in a variety of media outlets including CNBC, CNN, 60 Minutes, the Colbert Report, Rachel Maddow, TIME, the Chicago Tribune, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and USA Today.

    Berman and Company takes a creative approach to advocacy and is frequently honored for its unique style. Issue advocacy through paid media, internet, TV, radio, and street theater have earned Berman over 180 national awards for creative messaging. Millions of people access Berman-created websites annually. These sites raise awareness and “Change the Debate” on public policy issues. More >>

    For more details please visit

    To be a part of the discussion, sponsor a portion of the event or register for a table or individual ticket(s), please click here.

    We are looking forward to seeing this event grow and addressing complicated issues we all face.

    About GreenSeam, LLC

    The GreenSeam is a grassroots initiative, created by countless businesses and professionals from southern Minnesota and northern Iowa and lead by Greater Mankato Growth. This initiative exists to build on existing ag business prominence maximizing a growing economic marketplace in order to be the premier ag business epicenter in the United States – the most diverse, balanced and sustainable. It is a place that is agriculturally relevant, responsive and diverse. Learn more at

    About Greater Mankato Growth, Inc.

    Greater Mankato Growth (GMG) is committed to advancing business for a stronger community. As the Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development organization serving the regional marketplace, GMG advances business through existing business support, new business growth, business promotion, talent development, public affairs, community marketing, visitor attraction and servicing and civic engagement. Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. also includes three LLCs: Visit Mankato, which focuses on visitor attraction and servicing, the City Center Partnership, LLC, which focuses on development in the City Center and GreenSeam, LLC .